What went so wrong?

Piers Corbyn corrupting effect is strong

It is hard to understand what a marked transformation there has been in attitude of Dr Heiko Khoo.

In March of 2020 Khoo made a video of how the Chinese had responded to contain the outbreak of Coronavirus Vs the UK Governments response.

He highlighted how the UK Government made the mistake in the early stages of the pandemic of trying to protect the economy more than contain the spread of the Covid -19 virus. A mistake which has cost thousands of lives, has no doubt caused the prolonging of the Lockdowns, and has damaged the economy more in the long run.

Although, that said, can you imagine the uproar and resistance if the UK had tried to lockdown as tightly as China did? The Chinese authorities have the advantage that they can enforce whatever restrictions they like and the people have no choice but to go along with it.

But back to the question. How do you go from a level headed, obviously straight thinking individual, to what can only be described as a cantankerous “Barrack-room Lawyer” ?

For someone who so obviously “got it”, who understood the risks of the Covid-19 virus, and understood what is required to stop the spread; how could he have slipped into such a polarised position. Breaking Lockdown regulations, not wearing a mask and being objectionable and obstructive when asked by the Police to move from the area and go home. He was so obstructive he finally got himself arrested.

We have to presume that this remarkable transformation has occurred due to the close company that Khoo has been keeping with Piers Corbyn. Piers has shown scant regard for his own or anyone else’s health and safety, and has continually protested that Covid is a hoax, a con, a big lie. All this despite the overwhelming evidence that it is real and a real killer. Piers is due in courts on the 20th of May to answer 10 charges of breaking Lockdown regulations.

It is a commonly held belief that Piers Corbyn is just in it for the money, and for all of his ranting, he is just trying to generate “donations” via his website. However, we would suggest that if you have a few pounds to spare, rather than line his pockets, you donate to a bone fide charity such as you will find on our Donations Page. Please be assured, not one a single penny of your donation will be siphoned off by this site.