So easily bought…

Is Piers Corbyn accepting a bribe?

This week Piers Corbyn was set up for a prank. He was invited to a meeting to discuss a potential donation. During the meeting he was made fully aware that the money (£10,000.00 which was to be the first of many “donations” ) had been made from shares in AstraZeneca. This fact did not phase Piers what-so-ever. The donation was in the form of cash in a brown envelope (you couldn’t make this up). Although he said that he could not accept it if there was an expectation that he would be influenced by it, but it was made very clear that the donators were expecting AstraZeneca to be kept out of his speeches and that he should emphasis the other vaccines instead. His response was very, very telling and shows his utter lack of integrity, he goes on to say “well the AstraZeneca isn’t mRNA and does not make you magnetic so its not as bad as the others”…. or words to that effect. But why not see and hear it for yourself. It really goes to show him for what he is….