What next for the Nutcase?

Piers Corbyn professional conspiracy theorist

Following the failure of Weather Action Limited some years ago, Piers Corbyn has been basing his pension income on a number of different conspiracy theories. One firm favourite is the insistence that climate change is all a big con. He insists that despite all of the well respected institutions that have concrete evidence that global Warming is a real and human influenced, he Piers Corbyn, failed Weatherman is right and it is all a #Hoax.

But #ClimateChangeCon is just one of his crackpot conspiracy theories. He moved in on 5G, claiming (again against facts and science) a range of things including that 5G is in some way linked to Coronavirus. This claim in itself is strange as he also has been calming that Covid 19 is all a big hoax, a big #CovidCon.

His most recent money making activity of spreading lies and misinformation about Covid 19 is the most dangerous one. At least with his previous crackpot rantings no one was put in danger. But with claiming that masks are dangerous and should not be worn, and that lockdown should be broken, and also that the vaccine that has be developed to combat the death tole of Covid is an evil thing, designed to control you and has a chip in it from Microsoft to track you, he is putting the gullible who believe him in danger of contracting Covid and suffering if not dying. These claims are not just deluded but dangerous.

Sadly there are people who have exposure to these dangerous ideas on the internet via Twitter and Facebook (Although Twitter have recently suspended his account) that seemingly get taken in by them, not realising it is just part of his business / marketing plan. The upshot is he is aiming to steer “believes” to his website in the hope of gaining “donations”.

With the success that the latest #Lockdown has been having on the reduction on new Covid cases, along with the spectacularly successful vaccine rollout, and the fact that the cross infections that occurred at Christmas are dropping down, Pires is going to have to come up with a new Money scamming activity.

Piers Corbyn is continuing to campaign for the 2021 Mayor of London elections despite being in a very clear last place behind the comical Count Binface. But until the election in May, he still has the opportunity to part the gullible from their cash. The sad fact is there are probably enough easily led weak-minded suckers to at least keep him in microwave meals till June.

We will keep our eye out for whatever his next money spinner is and let you know. We have had a tip off that it may involve Alien Technology and Teslar cars, but we can’t be certain at this point in time. We’ll keep you posted.